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Development Environment


For development purposes, you need two directories:

  • directory with the local source code repository
  • root directory of the IntelMQ installation

The default root directory of the IntelMQ installation is /opt/intelmq. This directory is used for configurations (/opt/intelmq/etc), local states (/opt/intelmq/var/lib) and logs (/opt/intelmq/var/log). If you want to change it, please set the INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR environment variable with a desired location.

For repository directory, you can use any path that is accessible by users you use to run IntelMQ. For globally installed IntelMQ, the directory has to be readable by other unprivileged users (e.g. home directories on Fedora can't be read by other users by default).

To keep commands in the guide universal, we will use environmental variables for repository and installation paths. You can set them with following commands:

# Adjust paths if you want to use non-standard directories
export INTELMQ_REPO=/opt/dev_intelmq
export INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR=/opt/intelmq


If using non-default installation directory, remember to keep the root directory variable set for every run of IntelMQ commands. If you don't, then the default location /opt/intelmq will be used.


Developers can create a fork repository of IntelMQ in order to commit the new code to this repository and then be able to do pull requests to the main repository. Otherwise you can just use the 'certtools' as username below.

The following instructions will use pip3 -e, which gives you a so called editable installation. No code is copied in the libraries directories, there's just a link to your code. However, configuration files still required to be moved to /opt/intelmq as the instructions show.

The traditional way to work with IntelMQ is to install it globally and have a separated user for running it. If you wish to separate your machine Python's libraries, e.g. for development purposes, you could alternatively use a Python virtual environment and your local user to run IntelMQ. Please use your preferred way from instructions below.

Using globally installed IntelMQ

sudo -s

git clone<your username>/intelmq.git $INTELMQ_REPO

pip3 install -e .

useradd -d $INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR -U -s /bin/bash intelmq


Using virtual environment

git clone<your username>/intelmq.git $INTELMQ_REPO

python -m venv .venv
source .venv/bin/activate

pip install -e .

# If you use a non-local directory as INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR, use following
# command to create it and change the ownership.
sudo install -g `whoami` -o `whoami` -d $INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR
# For local directory, just create it with mkdir:

intelmqsetup --skip-ownership


Please do not forget that configuration files, log files will be available on $INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR. However, if your development is somehow related to any shipped configuration file, you need to apply the changes in your repository $INTELMQ_REPO/intelmq/etc/.

Additional services

Some features require additional services, like message queue or database. The commonly used services are gained for development purposes in the Docker Compose file in contrib/development-tools/docker-compose-common-services.yaml in the repository. You can use them to run services on your machine in a docker containers, or decide to configure them in an another way. To run them using Docker Compose, use following command from the main repository directory:

# For older Docker versions, you may need to use `docker-compose` command
docker compose -f contrib/development-tools/docker-compose-common-services.yaml up -d

This will start in the background containers with Redis, RabbitMQ, PostgreSQL and MongoDB.

How to develop

After you successfully setup your IntelMQ development environment, you can perform any development on any .py file on $INTELMQ_REPO. After you change, you can use the normal procedure to run the bots:

su - intelmq # Use for global installation
source .venv/bin/activate # Use for virtual environment installation

intelmqctl start spamhaus-drop-collector

tail -f $INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR/var/log/spamhaus-drop-collector.log

You can also add new bots, creating the new .py file on the proper directory inside cd $INTELMQ_REPO/intelmq. However, your IntelMQ installation with pip3 needs to be updated. Please check the following section.


In case you developed a new bot, you need to update your current development installation. In order to do that, please follow this procedure:

  1. Make sure that you have your new bot in the right place.
  2. Update pip metadata and new executables:

    sudo -s # Use for global installation
    source .venv/bin/activate # Use for virtual environment installation
    cd /opt/dev_intelmq
    pip3 install -e .

  3. If you're using the global installation, an additional step of changing permissions and ownership is necessary:

    find $INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR/ -type d -exec chmod 0770 {} \+
    find $INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR/ -type f -exec chmod 0660 {} \+
    chown -R intelmq.intelmq $INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR
    ## if you use the intelmq manager (adapt the webservers' group if needed):
    chown intelmq.www-data $INTELMQ_ROOT_DIR/etc/*.conf

Now you can test run your new bot following this procedure:

su - intelmq              # Use for global installation
source .venv/bin/activate # Use for virtual environment installation

intelmqctl start <bot_id>