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Configuring IntelMQ API

Depending on your setup you might have to install sudo to make it possible for the intelmq-api to run the intelmq command as the user-account usually used to run intelmq (which is also often called intelmq).

intelmq-api is configured using a configuration file in json format. intelmq-api tries to load the configuration file from /etc/intelmq/api-config.json and ${PREFIX}/etc/intelmq/api-config.json, but you can override the path setting the environment variable INTELMQ_API_CONFIG. (When using Apache, you can do this by modifying the Apache configuration file shipped with intelmq-api, the file contains an example)

When running the API using hug, you can set the environment variable like this:

INTELMQ_API_CONFIG=/etc/intelmq/api-config.json hug -m intelmq_api.serve

The default configuration which is shipped with the packages is also listed here for reference:

    "intelmq_ctl_cmd": ["sudo", "-u", "intelmq", "intelmqctl"],
    "allowed_path": "/opt/intelmq/var/lib/bots/",
    "session_store": "/etc/intelmq/api-session.sqlite",
    "session_duration": 86400,
    "allow_origins": ["*"]

On Debian based systems, the default path for the session_store is /var/lib/dbconfig-common/sqlite3/intelmq-api/intelmqapi, because the Debian package uses the Debian packaging tools to manage the database file.

The following configuration options are available:

  • intelmq_ctl_cmd: Your intelmqctl command. If this is not set in a configuration file the default is used, which is ["sudo", "-u", "intelmq", "/usr/local/bin/intelmqctl"] The option "intelmq_ctl_cmd" is a list of strings so that we can avoid shell-injection vulnerabilities because no shell is involved when running the command. This means that if the command you want to use needs parameters, they have to be separate strings.
  • allowed_path: intelmq-api can grant read-only access to specific files - this setting defines the path those files can reside in.
  • session_store: this is an optional path to a sqlite database, which is used for session storage and authentication. If it is not set (which is the default), no authentication is used!
  • session_duration: the maximal duration of a session, its 86400 seconds by default
  • allow_origins: a list of origins the responses of the API can be shared with. Allows every origin by default.


intelmq-api tries to write a couple of configuration files in the ${PREFIX}/etc/intelmq directory - this is only possible if you set the permissions accordingly, given that intelmq-api runs under a different user. The user the API run as also needs write access to the folder the session_store is located in, otherwise there will be an error accessing the session data. If you\'re using the default Apache 2 setup, you might want to set the group of the files to www-data and give it write permissions (chmod -R g+w <directoryname>). In addition to that, the intelmq-manager tries to store the bot positions via the API into the file ${PREFIX}/etc/intelmq/manager/positions.conf. You should therefore create the folder ${PREFIX}/etc/intelmq/manager and the file positions.conf in it.

Adding a user

If you enable the session_store you will have to create user accounts to be able to access the API functionality. You can do this using intelmq-api-adduser:

intelmq-api-adduser --user <username> --password <password>

A note on SELinux

On systems with SELinux enabled, the API will fail to call intelmqctl. Therefore, SELinux needs to be disabled:

setenforce 0

We welcome contributions to provide SELinux policies.