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Release procedure

General assumption: You are working on branch maintenance, the next version is a bug fix release. For feature releases it is slightly different.

Check before

  • Make sure the current state is really final ;) You can test most of the steps described here locally before doing it real.
  • Check the upgrade functions in intelmq/lib/
  • Close the milestone on GitHub and move any open issues to the next one.
  • docs/admin/installation/ Update supported operating systems.


These apply to all projects:

  • CHANGELOG.MD and NEWS.MD: Update the latest header, fix the order, remove empty sections and (re)group the entries if necessary.
  • debian/changelog: Insert a new section for the new version with the tool dch or update the version of the existing last item if yet unreleased. Don't forget the revision after the version number!


  • intelmq/ Update the version.


  • intelmq_api/ Update the version.

IntelMQ Manager

  • intelmq_manager/ Update the version.
  • intelmq_manager/static/js/about.js: Update the version.

Commit, push, review and merge

Commit your changes in a separate branch, the final commit message should start with REL:. Push and create a pull request to the develop branch. Someone else should review the changes. Eventually fix them, make sure the REL: is the last commit, you can also push that one at last, after the reviews.

Why a separate branch? Because if problems show up, you can still force-push to that one, keeping the release commit the latest one.

Tag and release

Tag the commit with git tag -s version HEAD, merge it into develop, push the branches and the tag. The tag is just a.b.c, not prefixed with v (that was necessary only with SVN a long time ago...).

Go to and enter the release notes (from the CHANGELOG) for the new tag, then it's considered a release by GitHub.

Tarballs and PyPI

  • Build the source and binary (wheel) distribution:
rm -r build/
python3 sdist bdist_wheel
  • Upload the files including signatures to PyPI with e.g. twine: twine upload -u __token__ -p $APITOKEN dist/intelmq... (or set the API Token in .pypirc).


Since using mkdocs (see nothing needs to be done anymore.


We are currently using the public Open Build Service instance of openSUSE:

First, test all the steps first with the unstable-repository and check that at least installations succeed.

  • Create the tarballs with the script
  • Update the dsc and spec files for new filenames and versions.
  • Update the .changes file
  • Build locally for all distributions.
  • Commit.

Docker Image

Releasing a new Docker image is very easy.

  • Clone IntelMQ Docker Repository with git clone --recursive as this repository contains submodules
  • If the intelmq-docker repository is not updated yet, use git pull --recurse-submodules to pull the latest changes from their respective repository.
  • Run ./, check your console if the build was successful.
  • Run ./ - It will run nosetests3 with the exotic flag. All errors/warnings will be displayed.
  • Change the build_version in to the new version you want to release.
  • Change the namespace variable in
  • If no error/warning was shown, you can release with ./
  • Update the DockerHub ReadMe and add the latest version.
  • Commit and push the updates to the intelmq-docker repository


Announce the new version at the mailinglists intelmq-users, intelmq-dev. For bigger releases, probably also at IHAP, Twitter, etc. Ask your favorite social media consultant.

Prepare new version

Increase the version in intelmq/ and declare it as alpha version. Add the new version in intelmq/lib/ Add a new entry in debian/changelog with dch -v [version] -c debian/changelog.

Add new entries to and



### Configuration

### Core

### Development

### Data Format

### Bots
#### Collectors

#### Parsers

#### Experts

#### Outputs

### Documentation

### Packaging

### Tests

### Tools

### Contrib

### Known issues

And for

### Requirements

### Tools

### Data Format

### Configuration

### Libraries

### Postgres databases


An empty section of CHANGELOG.rst.

IntelMQ Manager


### Pages

#### Landing page

#### Configuration

#### Management

#### Monitor

#### Check

### Documentation

### Third-party libraries

### Packaging

### Known issues

And an empty section in the file.