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Redis Pipeline (Message broker)

The default IntelMQ Pipeline (the message exchange between bots) is Redis or its OpenSource successor Valkey.

For AMQP (RabbitMQ) see Using AMQP Message Broker in the section about Beta features.

Usage of databases

You can use any redis database for any purpose. There are no hardcoded defaults or other requirements in IntelMQ.

It's also possible to use the same database for two different bots. Just make sure, that their data doesn't collide.

These are some of the usages of redis databases using the IntelMQ default values:

  • 2: Pipeline (Queues)
  • 4: IntelMQ Tests
  • 6: Deduplicator Expert
  • 7: Reverse DNS Expert
  • 8: RDAP Expert, Aggregate Expert
  • 10: RIPE Expert
  • 12: Shadowserver Reports API Collector
  • 15: SMTP Batch Output

By default, Redis/valkey have a maximum of 16 databases (0-15). In it the Redis/valkey server configuration file, this value can be increased. While the number of maximum databases is unlimited, the practical limit is INT_32.

Setup tips

SWAP space should be bigger or equal to your memory. See also Hardware requirements.

Redis memory overcommitting

It is recommended to enable memory overcommitting for Redis.

Run sysctl vm.overcommit_memory=1 to set it for the current session. To enable it permanently, create a file with vm.overcommit_memory = 1 in /etc/sysctl.d/intelmq.conf.


To limit the maximum memory used by Redis and also to mitigate possible downsides of memory overcommitting, you can set a maximum memory usage in the Redis/Valkey server configuration with setting maxmemory <bytes>.