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IntelMQ Organizational Structure

The central IntelMQ components are maintained by multiple people and organizations in the IntelMQ community. Please note that some components of the IntelMQ Universe can have a different project governance, but all are part of the IntelMQ universe and community.

IntelMQ Enhancement Proposals (IEP)

Major changes, including architecture, strategy and the internal data format, require so-called IEPs, IntelMQ Enhancement Proposals. Their name is based on the famous "PEPs" of Python.

IEPs are collected in the separate IEP Repository.

Code-Reviews and Merging

Every line of code checked in for the IntelMQ Core, is checked by at least one trusted developer (excluding the author of the changes) of the IntelMQ community. Afterwards, the code can be merged. Currently, these three contributors, have the permission to push and merging code to IntelMQ Core, Manager and API:

Additionally, these people significantly contributed to IntelMQ:

  • Bernhard Reiter
  • Birger Schacht
  • Edvard Rejthar
  • Filip Pokorný
  • Karl-Johan Karlsson
  • Marius Karotkis
  • Marius Urkus
  • Mikk Margus Möll
  • navtej
  • Pavel Kácha
  • Robert Šefr
  • Tomas Bellus
  • Zach Stone

Short history

In 2013 and 2014 Aaron Kaplan (back then working at was researching ways to improve the automation of handling and distributing (IT security) incident reports across a whole country as part of the job of a national CERT. We would get many notifications of vulnerable systems, hacked systems, phishing domains, etc etc. The amount of reports we were getting required an automated solution. Back then, Aaron and a couple of other people looked at a tool called "Abusehelper". There was an open source version of Abusehelper, but it was deemed quite complex and complicated at that time.

Frustration with this tool led to discussions amongst multiple CERTs.

The idea and overall concept of an free, truly open source, simple (KISS principle! Keep it simple, stupid) community owned and maintained, extendible software for automated incident handling was born at an meeting of several European CSIRTs in Heraklion, Greece, in 2014. Following the event, Tomás Lima "SYNchroACK" (working at back then) created IntelMQ from scratch. IntelMQ was born on June 24th, 2014. A major support came from at this early stage. Aaron Kaplan ( until 2020) engaged in the long-term advancement and from 2015 on, took the burden of the maintenance and development (Sebastian Wagner 2015-2021 at From 2016 onward, started projects, initiated and lead by Aaron Kaplan, receiving CEFF-funding from the European Union to support IntelMQ's development. IntelMQ became a software component of the EU-funded MeliCERTes framework for CSIRTs. In 2020, IntelMQ's organizational structure and architectural development gained new thrive by the newly founded Board and the start of the IEP process, creating more structure and more transparency in the IntelMQ community's decisions.